This compliation of work is based within a research-based architectural practice that focuses on human-centric deign with special emphasis on curious observation and urban collaboration.

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This compliation of work is based within a research-based architectural practice that focuses on human-centric deign with special emphasis on curious observation and urban collaboration.

David Rolston Landscape Architects

SCALE: Residential
DATE: 2018
Forest Lane is a staple road in Dallas, connecting a variety of neighborhoods across the city. It is busy and always humming with traffic. I was tasked with designing a new driveway and entry for the clients.

This street is aptly named as it has conserved a number of its original trees in the non-private areas. Yet, it lacked the same amount of coverage on the lots themselves. I chose to mimic Forest Lane’s median on the property, providing a small grove as a driveway.

This arrangement transitions anyone coming off of the street from a public forest to a private forest. I worked on the design of the driveway and plant selection under the supervision of David Rolston.

© 2024 Jas Flowers