Rhode Island School of Design
CLASS: Integrated Building Systems
TERM: FA2023
PROF: Jonathan Knowles
GROUP: Abby Tuckett, Aleza Epstein, Isabella Ruggiero, Charlotte Wyman
TERM: FA2023
PROF: Jonathan Knowles
GROUP: Abby Tuckett, Aleza Epstein, Isabella Ruggiero, Charlotte Wyman
Located in the vibrant Providence neighborhood of Olneyville, What Cheer Flower Farm provides an urban argricultural setting to rescue, cultivate, grow, and donate flowers to support the local floral economy. This construction explores ecological conditions, material properties, and the greater socio-political economies and investigates the relationship between techonology and architectural thought by applying a comprehensive design of structural systems, enclosure, environmental control, and circulation systems as well as prioritizing codes and regulations related to accessability, life safety, occupancy and structure.